Family (Last) Name:
Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip:
Street Address (if different from Mailing Address):
Home Phone:
Family’s Primary Email Address:
Male Cell/ Work Phone:
Female Cell/ Work Phone:
Parish of Previous Registration:
Church Name:
Members of the Household
Family Member 1
Salutation: Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. Name First & Middle
Date of Birth: (please enter mm/dd/yyyy) M F
Marital Status: Married Single
Occupation: Employer:
First Language: Ethnicity:
Religion if not Catholic:
Check Sacraments received: Baptism Reconciliation Communion Confirmation Catholic Marriage
Date of Birth: (please enter mm/dd/yyyy)
Child 1:
School: Grade:
Check Sacraments received: Baptism Reconciliation Communion Confirmation
Child 2:
Additional Family Members:
May we publish photos of your family members participating in our parish life activities? Yes No
Do you have any special needs or situations that you wish to call to our attention? Check here and we will contact you personally.
Would you like to volunteer in any way at our parish? (indicate name and volunteer commitment)
Offertory Donations at Mass For the Financial Security of Church of St. Pius X and its programs, you will receive offertory envelopes in the mail or you may sign-up for Online Giving for automatic giving by bank or credit card. The expression of your offertory commitment helps us plan our budget.
$ per week
Renovation Fund To build our church home – donations to the fund will be tax exempt for the church. Please write a separate checks for your Building Fund contribution as we must account for the tax-exempt contribution separately. The expression of your Renovation Fund Commitment move us closer to our goals to completely renovate our Church.
$ per week month semi-annually annually
Beginning (mo./day/year) Ending (mo./day/year)
$ as a one-time gift.
May God Bless you in your commitment of Stewardship!